Research and Interviews guided by prayer

Government by God's Design Bible Study

updated: August 2023

​​In addition to Bible study and other research on the topic, many elected officials, pastors and authors poured into creating this study.

Throughout this process, God has opened doors to Congressmen, professors, and Christian leaders across this nation who are aligned with this effort. 

A diverse group of pastors from various Christian denominations have review the materials used in this workshop. A steering committee of these men and women has prayerfully consider the information, identified any needed changes and helped to create the first workshop.

Dr. Max Lyons, Christian author and Director of Teaching Services at the Foundation for American Christian Education served as a mentor throughout the process of designing the Bible study. He spent many hours in phone calls and edits.

This Bible study is a project of Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Louisiana. It has undergone a national review of the information and has been delivered using CWA presenters.